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ReadMe for the PasTeX-GoldED interface
These scripts makes GoldED communicate with the PasTeX server and starts
DVIprint resp. ShowDVI and a lot else.
1. Installation
I assume you already installed the PasTeX package and GoldED.
An installed ToolManager is a big advantage.
Copy the scripts to a place where you want them.
If you want to use the scripts from GoldED's menus, then look in GoldEDs manual
for details.
In ToolManager, you can link script to a dock icon. If you put the scripts
Start_TeX.ged, StartDVIprint.ged, NextError.ged, GoToSDVI.ged and Quit_TeX.ged
onto the dock, you can easily use this dock on GoldEDs screen given you check
the "Frontmost" gadget in the dock window.
In DVIprint.ged, you'll have to check the path to StartDVIprint in line 87 and
change if necessary.
2. Legal Stuff
There is no warranty, neither expressed nor implied. YOU use this stuff at your
own risk.
These scripts are postcardware, so send me a postcard from your town in case you
use these scripts extensivly. Maybe a donation (full Easyclick tanks for my HP
DeskJet 500, Cash (sfr, US-$ and DM preferred), A4000 (possibly with 040 or
GForce 4000), *big* hard disks (> 200 megabytes SCSI-II), tape streamer (min.
250 megs capacity per tape), high density disk drives, SyQuest 3105 drives
(also w/ SCSI...), FD-Soft-CDs for Amiga (NO Messy-DOS <grrr>), high speed
modem (at least USR oder ZyXel), multisync monitor as well as flicker fixers
and other useful things)?
3. Author
You can reach me by snail mail. My address:
René Laederach
Kappelisackerstr. 46
3063 Ittigen
You can phone me at +41/(0)31/921-19-08 in the evening and on weekends, but
don't forget I live in Switzerland so call me when it is evening in
Europe! When writing, then include an international reply coupon or 3.00 US-$
(in bills). Any letter without return postage lands in the trashcan or I'll
keep the disk if you included one (one exactly covers the postage...).
4. Acknowledgements to....
Dietmar Eilert who wrote GoldED. An awesome editor with lots of features I
haven't tried out yet. Those 20 greenbacks/Deutschmark you have to mail him for
registration is a good investment into the future of the development of good
ShareWare. Definitely the `Best Buy' if you want a cheap and powerful editor for
the Amiga.
Dietmar Eilert who made a skeleton macro for the startup and the cleanup of
ARexx scripts working with GoldED although I didn't use it this time.
Loren J. Rittle who wrote a port of ISpell with an ARexx server mode. Great
Georg Hessmann for PasTeX, a great implementation which can still be improved
(I'm still waiting for a less buggy Postscript interface for pictures in
CBM for the Amiga 2000 (maybe the successor of the A4000 will have a SCSI host
adapter again and design a practical casing as well as an Ethernet plug?).